NACME Research Briefs - C.A.S.E. Academy
NACME launched the Career Accelerator in Science & Engineering Academy in 2021, a training series to educate NACME Scholars on the skills needed to obtain their competitive opportunity of choice in the fields of engineering and computer science. The C.A.S.E. Academy offers weekly training webinars on both technical and professional development topics and summer expriences such as boot camps, bridge, and pathway programs.
NACME Research Briefs - Corporate Scholars Program
After a pilot year, NACME officially launched the Corporate Scholars program in Summer 2021, offering both a scholarship and a paid internship experience. It has become increasingly evident that the pathway to a career in engineering or computer science relies on students' successful experiences both inside and outside the classroom. Externships, internships, and formally supported university co-op programs can act as conduits to attract and retain talented, underrepresented students in engineering. These programs provide hands-on experiences and early exposure to the field, enhancing students' academic careers.